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Personal Training

Personal Trainer Stretching Session

Why Use A Personal Trainer?

No doubt if your joining our gym your wanting to see results of some kind. Mentally or physically. By using a personal trainer, they can help speed this process up by teaching you what you need to do and take any of your guess work out of the equation

Core Exercise

How Much Is A Personal Trainer?

Our personal trainers are all self employed and run their businesses slightly different. That way we have someone for everyone. However, prices range from £30-£40per session. Less than a price of a meal out these days, its money well spent!

Weight Lifting

How Many Sessions of PT Do I Need To Have?

This is totally up to your budget & how much you want to invest into your health. You can have 1 session every fortnight or upto 3x per week. You and your chosen PT can discuss this between you

Lifting Weights

Does Personal Training Include A Nutrition Plan?

Yes, all of our PT's can offer nutritional help. All personalised around your goals, dietary needs & lifestyle

Gym Workout

Are There Male & Female Personal Trainers

We understand some people would prefer a male trainer and some would prefer a female trainer.

Lucky for you we have over 35years  of personal training experience between our male & female PT's

At the Gym

Where Can I Find More Info on Personal Training?

Contact us using the button below and speak to one of our staff who will be more than happy to help you find the perfect PT

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